David and Hannah Steele


One cold evening in England in December 2014, David and Hannah Steele put their two young daughters to bed and kissed them goodnight. They went into their cosy little living room and got on their knees to pray and seek the Lord about their future. That night God gave them two words, “Truth Planters”. The words came with an abundance of excitement and a sense that they would spend the rest of their lives planting God’s life-transforming truth into the hearts of people everywhere.

At first they wondered if these two words had been given simply to describe God’s calling on their lives, but as they continued to seek Him and listen to His voice, they soon realised that His plan was much bigger than they could have imagined.

Waiting on the Lord…

In the months and years that followed, they waited on the Lord and hardly told anyone a thing about what He was saying to them. During this time they received pages and pages of confirmations from God’s Word, from His Spirit, and in many other ways. After much prayer and several conversations with their leaders and advisers, it became abundantly clear to them that Truth Planters was God’s idea and not their own. They had a strong sense that the work God was calling them to would have an international impact for His Kingdom, and that the vision was awaiting its appointed time.

Isaiah 64:4 – Since ancient times no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any God besides you, who acts on behalf of those who wait for him.

Waiting on the Lord is rarely a time of inaction and during this time of waiting, God called David and Hannah to leave England and go to Hungary as full-time missionaries. Hungary had never been on their radar and the move made very little sense to them in their natural understanding. When the time came to leave England, Hannah was pregnant with their third child and this young family had to trust that God would provide 100% of their family’s needs. He did, and they started to serve people all over Europe from their home in Hungary. Many friends and family followed their adventures through their newsletters, visited them in Hungary and supported them financially.

The Appointed Time

In mid-2018 David and Hannah sensed the Lord showing them that the appointed time to start “Truth Planters” would be summer 2019. Their pastors, Paul and Karen Carr (from Freedom Church, UK) came to Hungary and anointed and appointed them on the 3rd of July 2019 according to the leading of the Holy Spirit and the example found in Acts 13:2-3; for the task of pioneering this new international Christian mission organisation.

God began to build a team around them in Hungary and open doors for them to serve all over Europe. They held their first event called “Truth and Power Night” in February 2020 in Budapest, followed by an online version of this event during the Coronavirus pandemic and then released the “How to Fulfill Your Calling” video series which has been watched by people all over the world and is now being translated into lots of different languages.

As new people in different countries were feeling called by God to serve Him full-time and join Truth Planters, it quickly became clear that one of the callings on this organisation was (and is) to provide a framework of support and accountability that will enable believers everywhere to fulfil God’s calling on their lives – particularly those who feel called to full-time mission work.

Truth Planters teams are currently beginning to develop in other countries as new missionaries are being added to the network and we are constantly reminded of the words of Jesus – “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” (Luke 10:2)

God’s work

It is clear that God has started His work of raising up a generation of “Truth Planters”  who are actively planting the life transforming truth of Jesus Christ into the hearts of people everywhere; while equipping, encouraging and inspiring others to do the same.

In March 2021 the Truth Planters Foundation  was established in Hungary and in November 2022 Truth Planters was established as a Charity in the UK.

We are now trusting that God will raise up three groups of people to enable this work to grow and impact the whole world for His Kingdom:

1. Those who will pray
2. Those who will give
3. Those who will go

More information about these 3 opportunities to get involved can be found on our Get Involved page.

Next steps: We believe God has called us to establish Truth Planters in the United States and will begin working towards that goal in 2023. If you would like to support this work, please contact us – we’d love to hear from you!



Truth Planters

Planting the life transforming truth of Jesus Christ into the hearts of people everywhere; while equipping, encouraging and inspiring others to do the same.

1 Corinthians 3:7

So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.

Truth Planters is a Non-denominational, Non-profit Christian mission organisation registered in Hungary (Truth Planters Foundation, 19298001-1-13).